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BEMINE rationale

  • BEMINE aimed at transforming integrative planning via co-creation
  • BEMINE partnership comprised 12 partners from 3 countries (Finland, Norway, United Kingdom)
  • BEMINE was funded by the Academy of Finland, Strategic Research Council
  • 2016-2019


Finnish urban regions are facing a variety of challenges: urban sprawl, enhanced by migration, puts pressure on sustainability and accessibility and accelerates segregation, local economies struggle to remain efficient and competitive, urban governance finds it hard to engage citizens, and urban development continues to operate in ‘silos’ and lacks policy integration.


Hence, the focal point of the project was to develop integrative perspectives in Finnish city-regional governance to meet these challenges.


In Finland, integrated land use, housing, transport, services and economic development (MALPE) has become a new practice to encompass key municipal planning sectors and to address state/city region relations in urban regions.



BEMINE objectives

1) comprehending Finnish urbanization processes, urban-rural and agglomeration dynamics and drivers and their implications for sustainability, functionality and economic livelihood;


2) gaining analytical insight of tendencies towards depoliticization and ambiguities in knowledge management and policymaking in the current MALPE work; 


3) providing normative solutions for coping with these processes and tendencies, by incorporating new knowledge on emerging urban phenomena and new forms of political agency, to induce sectoral integration and insights for resilient and scalable governance;


4) based on the above, generating policy and planning recommendations for Finnish city regions involved in MALPE work.

University of Helsinki, Department of Forest Sciences

Latokartanonkaari 7, 5. floor, room 525, p. +358 50 337 1928

PL 27, 00014 University of Helsinki, Finland

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